Civic Education

Traffic regulations

Traffic regulations are driving laws put in place by the government to regulate or control the attitude of all road users to achieve an orderly and free flow of traffic. It is a body of rules and regulations made by the government to guide and keep safe the road users. It is very important that government put in place these laws with punitive measures for road users.

The federal military government in cognizance of this establishedTHE FEDERAL ROAD SAFETY COMMISSION (FRSC) in February 1988 through decree US of 1988 to prevent road accidents and loss of lives on public road throughout Nigeria.


In Nigeria road users include pedestrians, motorcyclists, private motorist and passengers, drivers of trucks and commercial vehicles.

They are expected to observer some traffic regulations for their safety and other roads users’.


  1. Motorists should never drink alcohol before and while driving
  2. Motorcyclist should wear crash helmet and should not caring more than one passenger
  3. Motorists and motorcyclists should not over speed
  4. Motorist and motorcyclist should make or receive calls
  5. They should strictly obey road sign
  6. Motorists should use seat bell at all things
  7. Pedestrians should use pedestrian bridges, road pavement or zebra crossing where available
  8. Pedestrians should look left. Right and left again before crossing
  9. They (pedestrian) should walk opposite the traffic than backing it when walking


These are electronic or non-electronic materials for controlling the free movement of vehicles and ensure safety use of road by everyone. They include traffic light road signs and boards.

  1. Traffic lights or lamp-stop lights or signal lights are signaling devices positioned a road intersection, pedestrian across and other locations to control current traffic. Traffic lights were first installation done 1868 they are now in use in most cities and town around the world nowadays. They alternate the right way of road users by displaying rights of standard colors(Red, Yellow/amber and green). The colors are universal code to enable color bling road users to be able to understand. The green light allows the traffic to proceed in devoted, the yellow/amber light implies incoming vehicle should be prepared to stop before the interaction while the red light implies oncoming vehicles should stop or are prohibited from proceeding
  2. Traffic signals/ Road Sign: – Traffic signs give drivers and other road users in formations and warning depending on the shape, color and placement of the sign. Essentially a road sign must meet four requirements.
  3. Fulfill a need
  4. Command attention (bold enough for identification)
  5. Give adequate time for proper response


Road signs can be classified into;

  1. Regulatory Signs: – These signs are often circular in shape and can further be divided into two;
  • Mandatory regulatory sign: – These signs are usually with blue circle. Examples are diversion signs, round about signs
  • Prohibitive regulatory signs: – These are signs with red and yellow circles. Examples include; stop sign and no right turn signs and u-turn signs
  1. Informative Signs: – These signs give information to road users. They are always rectangular in shape. Examples include; hospitals signs, advanced direction sign school signs and so on.


  1. What are traffic signs?
  2. Explain traffic regulations.
  • Describe four traffic signs with their symbols.


  1. Explain traffic regulations.
  2. Define road signs and symbols.

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