Civic Education Notes



Dishonesty is the act of being untruthful in words or actions while dealing with others  or yourself. It is manifested in all forms of social and spiritual environments .It is manifested in all forms of examination malpractices, lying to others particularly about money, misuse of school or government funds and so on.


What is dishonesty?


1.         Cheating:  A dishonest person often cheats his fellow human beings. For instance, in the market, some people use wrong measures in order to cheat the customers.

2.         Corruption – is an act of converting public or government money to one’s use or an abuse of power.  Dishonest people often steal government’s money.

3.         Robbery – This is an act of taking a person’s valuables from him by force. If it is done with arms such as gun cutlass, spear etc, it is called armed robbery.

4.         Divorce – Acts of unfaithfulness either on the part of the wife or the husband had led to the dissolution of many marriages.  A broken home often produce children that are delinquent and these children often engage in various crimes.

  1. Arson – This is the act of setting fire on a house or other property intentionally and unlawfully.  Many dishonest people often set fire on their offices after stealing money which belongs to the organization.


1.What is dishonesty?

2. Mention four consequences of dishonesty and explain any two


–  The activities of a dishonest person often slow down the progress of a community.

–  It is the root cause of most of the crimes in the society.

–  A dishonest person is not reliable.


1.         What is dishonesty?

2          What is corruption?

3         State four consequences of dishonesty and explain any two.


Fundamentals of Civic Education for Basic 7 (JSS 1) Sola Akinyemipgs 23-25


1.         _______ is the opposite of honesty.

            A. Orderliness             B. Dishonesty             C. Progress      D. Integrity

2.         _____ is the act of taking a person’s valuables from him by force with the help of guns.

            A. Armed robbery       B. Perjuring                 C. Thuggery    D. Arson

3.         Setting houses on fire intentionally and unlawfully is ______.

            A. chaos                      B. emergency              C. arson           D. divorce

4.         A person that cheats his fellow human is known as a _______.

            A. cheat                       B. cheater                    C. cheatest      D. patriot

5.         A broken home often produces _____ children.

            A. promising               B. cherished                C. delinquent  D. decenTheory


1.         What is dishonesty?

2.         Mention four consequences of dishonesty.

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