Cultural and Creative Arts Notes

Introduction To Art, Types And Branches


  • Definition of Art.
  • Types of Art.
  • Branches of Art.


Art is the creative expression of our thoughts. Art is the study and creation of things that give pleasure to our mind and satisfy our sense of beauty. Art is a way of life. It is a universal language in which the artist uses to express his or her inner feelings and ideas. The word ‘art’ originated from a Latin word ‘arti’ which means to do well or do it well.


There are two basic types of art namely

1.VISUAL ART:visual art appeals to our sense of sight or vision. Sub-branches of visual art include fine art and applied art.

2.NON-VISUAL ART: Non-visual art is the art we cannot feel with our hands and see with our eyes but rather,it appeals to our mind, emotion and feeling. Sub-branches of non-visual art include performing art and literary art.


Art spans across several branches as shown below:

The Branches of Art | | Branches of art, Textile prints,  Ceramic design


  1. What is art?
  2. Explain the two types of art.
  3. Show a diagram reflecting the branches of art.


Art has been in existence before the creation of man.The origin of art is traced to the early men who involved in art activities during the pre-historic era.Art began during the time of the early men or pre-historic men who drew animals on rock surfaces by incising, scratching and engraving with sharp objects which they devised. They equally painted on cave walls using various pigments obtained from nature. For example, earth colours and sooth mixed with animal fat which serve as a strong binder and other pigments obtained from natural things like leaf, blood of animals etc.

The history of the early men spans across five agesnamely:

  1. PALEOLITHIC AGE (Old Stone Age): This is divided into lower and upper Paleolithic era.
    • LOWER PALEOLITHIC ERA stretched between 35,000BC – 15,000BC
    • UPPER PALEOLITHIC ERAstretched between 14,000BC – 8,000BC.
  • MESOLITHIC AGE(Middle Stone Age): During the Mesolithic era, artists focused on the painting of human figures looking abstracted as against the back drop of animal figures painted on cave walls by the early men during the upperPaleolithic era. Farming and proper settlement occurred during the Mesolithic age.The MESOLITHIC AGE stretched between 8,000BC – 3,000BC.
  • NEOLITHIC AGE (New Stone Age):During the Neolithic era,life became more stable and predictable.Metal farm implements were introduced,crops like beans,squash and maize were cultivated and writing emerged. Huge Architectural Monuments were erected like the Stonehenge discovered in Europe in Salisbury Plane Wiltshire,England. (1,800BC-1,400BC)The NEOLITHIC AGE stretched between 3,000BC-1,500BC.
  • BRONZE AGE: This marked the beginning of the skillful use of metals to cast objects that were expressed in bronze. It is a time period characterized by the use of bronze, proto-writing, and other early features of urban development like the Bronze Age Britain.
  • IRON AGE:This era marked the inception of the Indus valley civilization.Recent archaeological remains of iron working in the Ganges Valley in India have been tentatively dated to 1,800BC.It is an archaeological era referring to a period of time in the pre-history and protohistory of the Old World (Afro-Eras) when the dominant tool making material was iron. It preceded by the Bronze Age in Europe and Asia and the Stone Age in Africa. Meteoric metal has been used by humans since at least 3,200 BC, but ancient iron production did not become widespread until the ability to smelt iron ore ,remove impurities and regulate the amount of carbon in the alloy were developed.


  1. List the five periods of the successive stages of art development of the early men.
  2. Mention the two phases of Paleolithic age.


  1. List three forms of drama and explain.
  2. What is the difference between protagonist and antagonist?
  3. List three types of shading and explain.
  4. Explain comedy and tragedy respectively.
  5. What is mime?


Cultural and Creative Art(New Edition) by Peter Akinyemi& Co-Authors (Book 1)


Pages 1 -13


  1. The early men are also referred to as …………men.(a) pre-historic  (b) post-historic  (c)civilized  (d)none of the above
  2. What period marked the use of bronze in fashioning out things?(a) Iron age (b) Bronze age  (c) Neolithic age (d) Mesolithic age
  3. Which one of the following is NOT a sub-component of performing art? (a) Drama  (b) Dance  (c) Ceramics (d) Music
  4. Which one of the following is an end-product of ceramics? (a)Mug  (b) Kampala  (c) Printed pictures  (d) Chair
  5. Fine art comprises of the following except…………..…..(a) drawing (b) photography  (c) Sculpture  (d) painting


  1. List two sub-components of literary art.
  2. State two sub-components of applied art.

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