Civic Education Notes

Natural Talent and discovery


1.         Natural abilities – Everyone has been endowed by God with one talent or the other.  There are things we can do naturally.  You must identify those things you are good at doing at ease for instance, some people naturally love taking care of people.

2.         Academic Abilities – Talents can be discovered through your performances in various subjects you offer in school.  Some students are good at vocational subjects while others are good at languages.

3.         By Asking People – You may discover your talents by asking your friends, teachers and parents and so on.  People close to us at times can know us better than ourselves in terms of talents and skills.  This will tell you what your natural talents are and from there you can think of how to develop yourself.

4.         By reading books – By reading books, it may be so easy to discover our talents and find ways of developing them.


State two ways of discovering talents.


Your talents and skills can be developed n the following ways:

1.         Constant Practice – One of the major ways of developing your talents is to keep doing it every day.  This makes you discover how to do it better.

2.         Go for training – The fact that you have natural ability for a skill does not imply you are already perfect.  Make yourself available to be trained and this makes you a professional.

3.         Read books relating to your skill – This exposes you to other information you never know about your talent and skills. Through books, you know how to perform the skills better.

4.         Teach others – There is a natural law of sowing and reaping. By teaching others what you know helps you to advance in your skill.


1. Mention three ways to nurture your talents.

2.List three processes of discovering your talents.


A.        Effects on the Individual

i.          Delays progress.

ii.         It leads to frustration.

iii.        It leads to poverty and low standard of living.

iv.        Becomes a liability to the society.

B.        Effects on the Family

i.          Leads to poverty in the family.

ii.         Reduces the family’s standard of living.

iii.        Makes one an irresponsible member of the family.

iv.        Limits one’s financial support to the family.

C.        Effect on the Society

i.          Reduction in government revenue.

ii.         Reduces economic growth and development.

iii.        Increases in social vices like armed robbery, prostitution etc

iv.        Increase in unemployment rate.


1. Mention three effects of undeveloped skills to the society.

2. State two effects of undeveloped skills to an individual.

3. Explain three ways of nurturing talents.


Fundamentals of Civic Education for Basic 7 (JSS 1) Sola Akinyemipgs 34– 40


1.         These are ways of developing one’s skills except ________.

            A. teaching others       B. go for training         C. lukewarmness. D. constant practice

2.         _______ ability is when you are endowed by God.

            A. Reading books       B. Natural ability                    C. Consistency      D. Ventures

3.         The following are effects of undeveloped skills in the society except ______.

            A. prostitution             B. armed robbery                    C. arson                       D. stability

4.         Friends, teachers and parents are under _____

            A. reading of books    B. natural abilities       C. asking people D. academic abilities

5.         These are effects of undeveloped skills to an individual except_____.a. he becomes a liability to the society b. it leads to frustration c. it leads to stability d. it leads to poverty


1.         Mention four effects of undeveloped skill on the family.

2.         Explain briefly the processes of discovering your talents.

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