Government Notes

Nigeria and The World

Consequent upon the establishment of the Nigeria state by 1900 and subsequent amalgamation in 1914 Nigeria has been relating with other state as individual countries.

The following are the reasons for such relations:

  1. ECONOMIC: Nigeria’s economic interaction with the outside world involves our sale of minerals like oil, tin, and gold and cash crops like cocoa and cotton to other countries. Economic relations are also needed in the areas of exchange of technical know-how.
  2. POLITICAL: Nigeria interacts with other countries politically to promote her image, enhance her economic interests, protect her territorial integrity and ensure good relations with neighbouring countries.
  3. SOCIA-CULTURAL: Socio-cultural interaction between nations provides friendly relationship and the enrichment of each countries’ culture, music and sports.


  1. The spread of technological knowledge: The interactions that exist between nations provide technological exchange to the developing countries.
  2. ECONOMIC DEVELOPNMNENT: The interaction of nation’s facilities economic development.
  3. PROVISION OF EMPLOYMENT: Interactions between countries lead to the establishment of foreign missions like embassies high commissions and international agencies which provide employment opportunism for the citizens of the most nation.
  4. DEFENCE: Defence pacts are signed between nations to ensure that one nation can aid another if attached.
  5. Closer ties with industrial powers of the world: Interaction among nations provides ample opportunity for poor nations to relate with powerful nations for economic and military advantages.


  1. Dependency: Interaction among nations creates dependency of one nation upon the other.
  2. Exploitation of developing countries: The interaction of nations in the international system has resulted in the exploitation of the developing countries by the advanced nations of the world.
  3. Cultural Alienation: sometimes citizens of a nation copy the dressing, language, musical forms and other cultural traits of an interacting countries to the neglect of their own which they see as inferior.
  4. Social problems: One of the consequences of interactions of nations is the refugee problem. No thanks to refugee crises from Africa and Syria plaguing Western Europe in recent past looking for greener pastures.
  5. Brain Drain: Interactions among nations lead to the mass movement of professionals such as doctor, nurses, teachers etc from developing countries to advanced nations.


Account for the disadvantages of nations interacting with each other.

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