CONTENT Courtship behavior in animals Stages in development of toad Metamorphosis in insects Life histories of housefly and cockroach COURTSHIP […]
Search: “biology”
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CONTENT The organ of hearing (Structure of the ear and their functions) Mechanism of hearing Mechanism of balancing Organ of […]
CONTENT Sensory receptors Skin as a sense organ The organ of sight, Structure of the eye Functions of the eye […]
CONTENT Reflex and voluntary actions The reflex arc Differences between reflex and voluntary actions Conditioned reflexes Differences between hormonal and […]
CONTENT Peripheral nervous system Somatic and autonomic nervous systems The neurones (Structure and function) Classification of neurones Transmission of nerve […]
CONTENT The nervous system The central nervous system. The brain (components, descriptions and functions) Structure and functions of the spinal […]
CONTENT Hormones and endocrine glands Pituitary hormone Thyroid hormone Parathyroid hormone Pancreatic hormone Adrenal hormone Reproductive hormones Plant hormones Application […]
CONTENT Structure and functions of the liver Diseases, effects and remedy of liver diseases Structure of the skin Functions, diseases […]
CONTENT Homeostasis, mechanism and structures of homeostasis Structures of the Kidney Functions of the Kidney Kidney diseases, effects and remedy […]