Physical and Health Education

demonstration of creative and dramatic rhythm for beginners

Rhythm is a term which denotes an aspect or quality of movements that is sometimes thought of as a dance. […]

Physical and Health Education

Olympics High jump for men

High jump is a field event included in the track and field athletics discipline. The aim of the athletes competing […]

Physical and Health Education

What to do against sport injuries

The following are the measures for preventing sport injuries: The playground must be kept clean Do not play or perform […]

Physical and Health Education

How to Prevent sports injuries, domestic injuries and road traffic accidents

The following are the measures for preventing sport injuries: The playground must be kept clean Do not play or perform […]

Physical and Health Education

First aid treatment for road traffic accidents

Causes of Road Traffic Accidents The following are the causes of road traffic accidents: (i) Poor conditions of engine (ii) […]

Physical and Health Education

All you need to know about Safety Education

Safety means “freedom from hazards”. It is a state of being free from danger, threat, injury or harm. Freedom from […]

Physical and Health Education

The striking games (lawn tennis of tennis) History and Development of Lawn Tennis Tennis was originally called lawn tennis when the playing was done on lawns only. The […]

Physical and Health Education

Striking games table tennis

The origin of table tennis is not very certain but it is believed to have originated in the Far East. […]


Is Computer games a leisure activity?

A computer game is a game played on a computer in the form of computer software run on a personal […]

Physical and Health Education

Sport laws

Physical education has a lot of professional hazards, so it can be regarded as one of the most risky professions. […]