Physical and Health Education

Contact games

Contact Games Taekwando Taekwado as a sport and exercise is popular with people of both sexes and of many ages. […]

Physical and Health Education

Sti, hiv /aids

Sexually transmitted diseases are diseases that are spread through sexual intercourse. There are many STDs that affect both male and […]

Physical and Health Education

Control measures

Environmental management Environmental management seeks to change the environment in order to prevent or minimize vector propagation and human contact […]

Physical and Health Education

Family health

Types of diseases and mode of transfer Disease means illness or disorder of the body and mind. The agents causing […]

Cultural and Creative Arts

Rudiments of music

There are seven musical letters, namely: A, B, C, D, E, F, G. These seven letters are called the musical alphabets. […]

Cultural and Creative Arts

Theory of music

Fundamentals of Music and Sound Music can be defined as a composition of organized sound pleasant to the ear. It […]

Cultural and Creative Arts

bead work

Beads are small perforated objects made of different material, colours, shapes and sizes that may be strung into necklaces and […]

Cultural and Creative Arts

Collage Production

Collage is a work of art in which pictures are built up using bits and pieces of different types of […]

Cultural and Creative Arts


Dance is the rhythmic movement of the human body in space and time to make statements. Uses of Dance Dance […]

Cultural and Creative Arts

Types and forms of Drama

Types of Drama There are two basic types of drama namely: Scripted Non-scripted. Scripted drama means a written play while […]