Agricultural Science JSSCE Notes

Siting Of Farm And Layout Of Farm Structures


  • Factors guiding siting of farm structures
  • Factors guiding layout of farm structures and building
  • Importance of siting farm structures and buildings

A farm is a piece of land on which crops are grown and animals are raised. The school farm is the practical site for students of Agricultural Science.


  1. Availability of land: There can’t be a farm without a land, this is the first factor that must be considered.
  2. Good soil: A land with fertile soil should be selected, in order to reduce cost of applying manure. Water logged soil should be avoided, so also, stony and over-used soils. Well drained soils such as loamy, sandy-loam or clay-loam are preferable.
  3. Water supply: The farm must be located close to good source of water supply. Water is needed for irrigation, processing, drinking and cleaning of farm tools.
  4. Nearness to school: This is closeness of the farm, it must be close enough in order to make movement to and from the farm easy for both teachers and students to aid monitoring against thieves and plots.
  5. Accessibility: This will ease movement, the farm should have good roads and paths. This aids movements of inputs and outputs.
  6. Security: The farm must be secure enough, to prevent thieves from stealing farm produce and tools.
  7. Slope of the land: A flat level land should be used, in order to reduce erosion and cost of operation. The slope of the land will determine: (a) The direction of beds or ridges (b) Type of erosion control to adapt.
  8. Aspect: The farm must not be surrounded by shades or tall trees, because they will hinder photosynthesis. The farm should be fully exposed to solar radiation.


  1. What is a farm?
  2. Mention six factors guiding the siting of farm.


The following factors must be considered before constructing farm structures and building

  1. Fertility of the soil: structures should not be erected onfertilesoil, this can rather be used for planting. Farm buildings or structures should be located on the least fertile parts of the farm.
  2. Topography: Flat land should be used for construction to prevent erosion.
  3. Accessibility: farm buildings or structures should be linked with good roads for easy access, should be constructed on easily accessible parts.
  4. Construction Materials: materials available for construction must also be considered during farm layout, this is largely dependent on the financial status of the farmer e.g cement blocks, bamboo or sawn planks
  5. Protection: Structures or buildings should be considered in areas where they will be protected from excessive winds, erosion or fire hazards.


  1. What is a farm?
  2. Mention five factors guilding the layout of farm strutures and buildings
  3. List seven factors guilding the sitting of farm
  4. Mention five importance of farm building
  5. Give two reasons why school farm is important.      


Prescribed Agricultural Science for Junior Secondary Schools. By S.A Omoruyi, U.X OrhueA.AAkerobo and C.I Aghimien. Pgs 2530-254


  1. The first factor that must be considered before siting a farm is: (a) nearness to school (b) accessibility (c) availability of land (d) security
  2. Protection of farm structures mean? (a) presence of security (b) protection from wind and erosion (c) protection from thieves (d) vigilante watch
  3. A flat level land should be used for the school farm for the following reasons except (a) to increase fertility of soil (b) to reduce erosion (c) to reduce the cost of production (d) to promote percolation
  4. The best soil type for farming is? (a) sandy soil (b) clayed soil (c) loamy soil (d) sand-clayed soil
  5. Monocotyledonous plants have ________a. four cotyledons b. three cotyledons c. two cotyledons d. one cotyledon


  1. State and explain two factors to be considered before sitting farms
  2. Mention four uses of water in the farm.

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