Christian Religious Studies JSSCE

The last supper

Text: Mark 10:14-25 10 Then Judas Iscariot, one of the Twelve, went to the chief priests to betray Jesus to them. 11 They were […]

Christian Religious Studies JSSCE

the cleaning of the temple matthew

12 Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of […]

Christian Religious Studies JSSCE

The Passion of Christ

Text: Matthew 21:1-12 21 As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage on the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, 2 saying to […]

Answer for What would have happened to the disciples without the holy soirit

The bible recorded that once the holy spirit came upon them, they were filled with boldness and began preaching. So […]

Computer Studies

Operating system

An operating system (sometimes abbreviated as “OS”) is the program that, after being initially loaded into the computer by a […]


Computer proffesionals

Computer professionals are information technology. The definition has extended to those involved in the internet industry too.those who deal with […]

Computer Studies


Software can be defined as instruction and association data that directs the computer to accomplish a task, sometimes the term […]

Computer Studies

Computer hardware

The physical parts of a computer are referred to as the hardware which primarily consists of the system unit and […]

Computer Studies

The computer system

A Computer is an electronic device known to be a very powerful tool for processing data into meaning information in […]

Computer Studies

Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics

The Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics were created in 1992 by the Computer Ethics Institute. The Ten Commandments is “a set of […]