The following are the sources of energy:

- Energy from the sun (solar energy)
- Wood (fire wood)
- Coal
- Electricity
- Fossil fuels
- Chemicals as in cells and batteries.
Sources of energy can be classified into:
- Renewable sources of energy:These sources are not usually depleted as a result of usage. e.g, solar energy, tidal waves, wind, waterfalls and dams.
- Non renewable sources of energy:These sources are usually reduced as they are being used. E.g, fossil fuels-coal, oil, natural gas and wood.
Introduction to Renewable Energy:
Uses of Energy
- Solar energy is a universal source of light to planet earth. The plants also use it to manufacture their own food through photosynthesis.
- Fire wood gives heat for cooking our food.
- Energy from coal is used to boil water, then, produce steam used in steam engines.
- Energy from waterfalls is used in hydro-electric power stations like kanji dam to produce electricity.
- Natural gas, petroleum, diesel oil, etc are all derived from fossil fuels.
- Chemical energy from cells and batteries are used to power our electronics and phones.
- State five source of energy discussed.
- What fuel can we derive from fossil fuels?
- State three uses of energy.
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