Physical and Health Education

Factors affecting physical fitness

FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE PHYSICAL FITNESS Several factors influence physical fitness. They include: (i) Heredity. (ii) Nutrition. (iii) Regular exercises. (iv) […]

Physical and Health Education

Disease transmission and prevention

Transmission of Communicable Diseases The following are modes of transmission of communicable diseases: Airborne – droplet infection and dust infection […]

Physical and Health Education

Disease vectors

Disease means illness or disorder of the body or mind. The agents causing diseases are called pathogens. The science and […]

Physical and Health Education

Non- communicable diseases

Non-communicable diseases are diseases that cannot be transmitted from person to person. They are noninfectious health conditions that cannot be […]

Physical and Health Education

Communicable diseases and their prevention

Communicable diseases are diseases that can be transferred from one person to another. A disease is a condition of departure […]

Physical and Health Education

Drug use, misuse and abuse

A drug is any chemical substance used for curing, treatment, diagnosis or for preventing diseases. Drug can also be used […]

Physical and Health Education

Ageing and death

Ageing is the process of growing old and reaching the end of useful life. It is also a time in […]

Physical and Health Education

Puberty, premarital sex and teenage pregnancy

What is Puberty? Puberty is the time in your life when your body starts changing from that of child to […]

Physical and Health Education


Meaning of Non-contact Games Non-contact games are sports where participants should have no possible means of impact, where players have […]

Physical and Health Education


Boxing is also called the ‘’the manly act of self defense’’. A sport in which two competitors try to hit […]